Spring 2012
The challenge
We were commissioned by Barnet Council to undertake research with residents, staff and businesses for the council’s ‘Sense of Place’ consultation. The goal was to strengthen the council’s relationship with the people it serves, taking on more of a role as champion of the local community and building an impression of the area’s identity and personality.
How we approached it
We used a mixture of quantitative work to build a base, and qualitative research to add colour and depth. In total, we completed 1,600 resident surveys across four wards, and did twelve discussion groups, which were segmented by Values Modes. We also conducted 100 surveys and four discussion groups with staff, as well as 75 surveys with local businesses.
What happened
The research was followed by two deliberative events to discuss delivery options. We provided a set of recommendations for how to involve residents in public services. This included a set of co-production schemes, the aim of which was to develop means of volunteering alongside target groups, so as to find ways in which they could contribute on their own terms.